
ADHD, ADHD Mindset Shaun Roney ADHD, ADHD Mindset Shaun Roney

ADHD Problems And Potential Exist In The Same Space

Day 28: Problems and Potential


Problems and potential go hand in hand.

Without one, you can’t have the other.

Without the potential of a mountain to be climbed, there wouldn’t be the problem of how to climb it.

Problems are a beautiful thing. They indicate that you have the vision for something better. Something to be. Something that isn’t currently.

Problems mean you see potential where others see nothing.

You see opportunity for growth and improvement where others may not even be looking.

Problems and potential must coexist in the same space.

When you see a problem as an opportunity rather than as an indicator that you’re broken, you’re on the right path.

Problems are opportunities to improve. Not indicators that something’s gone wrong, or that something’s wrong with you.

Problems aren’t personal until we have thoughts about them. They just are.

Maybe a problem that you struggle with is overcommitting. You have a hard time saying no.

The facts are “I agreed to _____________.”

It only becomes a problem when you have a thought about it.

Thoughts like:

  • I can never say no.

  • I really wish they would stop asking me to help.

  • I do so much for others that I can’t get my own stuff done.

The problem is that you don’t want to agree to something and you did. There is potential there.

Potential to do differently the next time. The first step to move from problem to potential is awareness.

Awareness of why it’s a problem for you in the first place.

If you struggle with saying no, or any other area in life that you consider to be a problem, book a free consultation and let’s see how you can move into the potential of what’s possible. ~Shaun

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ADHD and Problem Solving: Everything Doesn't Have to Be Hard

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Do you consider yourself a creative problem solver? 

One tendency that is often associated with ADHD is that of being a non-conformist. The skill of "thinking outside of the box" if you will.

Why does this happen you ask?

Well, to start with, many people with ADHD tendencies aren't aware of the box to begin with. In part due to active imaginations, solutions to problems can seem limitless.

A box can feel so small, so restrictive. If there is no box, or we look outside of the box, it can be so much more interesting! 

If there is a solution to be found, many times if one looks outside of the box it is residing there, just waiting to be discovered.

Why all of this talk about out of the box thinking you ask?

I've noticed in myself, because I love abstract thinking, I gravitate towards challenges. I have a very positive approach to obstacles. In fact, they are pretty exciting to me. 

This can be a terrific thing when a solution is needed. Or when tenacity needs to be built. 


And this is a big but...

What if my thoughts about problem solving are actually drawing challenging situations to me?

What if I'm so focused on problem solving, I am skipping right over the things that I could be welcoming with open arms, no problem needed?

The things that could be easy.

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This is a picture of my Uncle B and I. In January I got to visit him in TX and we spent a whole day chatting and catching up. At some point in the conversation I said, "I see this pattern with myself where I love when something is new and I need to figure it out, but once I'm comfortable and have got it figured, I'm done. It loses it's luster." 

He then asked me "Are you a challenge chaser? Are you drawn to the challenge of something for challenges sake?"

It really made me think. I may have been. I don't want to be.

Hi I'm Shaun. I'm a recovering challenge chaser. Everything does not have to be hard. In fact, sometimes I just want it to be easy. 

My new thought? This can be a challenge or easy.

I think I'll choose easy, and hit the easy button.

Can you relate to this? Are you a creative problem solver or a challenge chaser? Leave a comment or better yet, hit the button below to book a free 30 minute consultation with me and let's talk ADHD tendencies and how coaching can help!


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