ADHD and The Model: A Framework To Manage Your Mind
Day 10: The Model
Today I want to teach you The Model.
And no, I don’t mean the type of model that walks a catwalk, as portrayed in the picture above, but The Model that was created by #BrookeCastillo of The Life Coach School. It’s a tool, a framework really, that we can use to examine our thoughts and our feelings and ultimately our results.
She’s the first to say that it’s based on universal concepts that are not new. It’s just a handy way to see the connection between what we think and our current results. As a Life Coach certified through The Life Coach School, I use The Model with my clients and have found it invaluable in my everyday life.
Here we go.
The Model is composed of 5 parts. Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions and Results.
When we are “doing a model”, we want to write the 5 letters down on a piece of paper like so.
Let’s take a minute to go over each of the individual componenets. I’m going to define each as it relates to and works when using The Model.
C stands for Circumstances. These are facts. Everyone in the world would agree on them. They don’t include opinions. They are neutral. Not good or bad. They are often out of our control.
T stands for Thoughts. These are sentences in our brains. When we’re doing a model, we want to think of one thought at a time, or one thought per model. Thoughts include opinions. They are what we think about the circumstances happening around us.
F is for Feelings. For the purposes of The Model, Feelings are going to be one word vibrations that we feel in our body. They are emotions. Things like happy, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, embarrassed, capable.
A is for Actions, Inactions or Reactions. They are the things that we do (or don’t do) when we feel a certain way.
R stands for Results. These are the results that are created by our Actions or Inactions.
When running a model, the following is always true. Circumstances happen to us all. We have thoughts about them. Our thoughs generate feelings. Our feelings cause our actions, and our actions create our results.
All of the results that we have in life are created by our thoughts. One thing to keep in mind is our results will ALWAYS prove our thought to be true.
Another helpful thing to remember is negative thoughts generate negative feelings and create negative results. Positive thoughts, generate positive feelings and create positive results.
Let me give an example of how this works.
Let’s say Trish has a lot to get done at home and at work. She is worried about finishing everything. She knows that if she doesn’t get her job duties done, she is at risk for being written up. She is always running late, and often forgets where she put her to do list. Her husband is frustrated that she’s not more on top of things. He tries to help by moving all of her things to one pile for her to go through.
Here’s how one model may look.
C - Trish has 4 projects due by next Friday at work. She has 23 items on a to do list at home. Her boss has said “If you’re late again I will need to write you up.” Her husband moved all of her papers to one pile.
T - I’d lose my head if it wasn’t connected to my body.
F - Incompetent
A - Stay busy trying to get it all done. Avoids planning on calendar. Spends time digging through new pile that her husband made for her. Works on the fun to do items, but hesitates to start the important tasks. Waits until the night before and then stays up all night trying to complete her projects.
R - Stays disorganized. Can’t find what she needs.
If Trish were to actuallly take the time to take a look at what she’s thinking she may see that her thought is not helping her. Here’s what her model may look like after she became aware of what she was currently doing.
C - (Stays the same) Trish has 4 projects due by next Friday at work. She has 23 items on a to do list at home. Her boss has said “If you’re late again I will need to write you up.” Her husband moved all of her papers to one pile.
T - I take care of business.
F - Competent
A - Take a look at all that needs to be done. Pick her top 3 priorities on her home to do list. Write out all of the things that need to be done for her work projects. Evaluate if there’s enough time to complete all 4 projects. Add the various project to do’s to her calendar. Stick to the plan. Ask her husband to not move her things as it makes it harder for her to find things. If he wants an area cleared, just ask her to take care of it.
R - She makes progress on work projects. Communicates needs to her husband and knocks out a few items on her home to do list.
The Model can be applied to any life circumstance. It is a really clean way of looking at how you may be contributing to the drama in your life. It can help you take responsibility and make changes in areas that felt out of your control.
What do you think? If you have any questions about how The Model can be applied to your own life, I’d love to jump on a free consult. Schedule a call today!