
ADHD, adhd strategies Shaun Roney ADHD, adhd strategies Shaun Roney

Managing The Many Thoughts Of ADHD

Day 22: The Model


I’ve introduced you to the tool called The Model. Today let’s pull together all of the pieces of it.

It’s a tool that you can use to observe and manage the many thoughts that come along with having an adhd brain.

Here’s how that would work. Set a timer and empty everything that you’re thinking onto a piece of paper. It can be topic specific brain dump or just a general one of #allthethoughts.

Once you have all of your thoughts there laid out on a piece of paper, you’ll want to choose a few that stand out to you and run a model on each one.

I’ve gone over each part of The Model in seperate blog posts that are linked below.

Step one is all about our Circumstances. What is happening around us? The facts of the matter. Circumstances are often out of our control.

Step two of The Model are the thoughts that we think about our circumstances. One word sentences in our minds. Our opinion of things. What we think about things.

Our thoughts then create feelings in our body. Sensations or vibrations that we feel because of our thoughts. Step three is all about feeling our feelings.

How we feel drives us into action or keeps us in inaction (doing nothing). Step four focuses on the things that we do or don’t do. Our Actions.

Ultimately our actions create our results. Step five of the model is to look at the results that we’re creating and decide if they’re what we want our results to be.

You can dive deeper into the 5 components of The Model by clicking on the links above.

To summarize, here’s how they all fit together.

Circumstances are all around us. They are factual and everyone in the world would agree on them.

Thoughts are what we choose to think about a circumstance.

Thoughts cause us to feel a certain way (a one word feeling).

Feelings drive us into action or inaction.

Our actions (or lack of action) creates the results that we have in our lives.

Our result in a model will always prove our thought in that same model to be true.

If you’d like to learn how to do this live and in person, be sure to sign up to receive my Free Guide Top 5 Ways to Calm Your Mind and Create Forward Motion.

I’ll be sending out an email invitation to a class I’m teaching online on exactly how to do this for yourself.


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ADHD Mindset, adhd strategies, ADHD Shaun Roney ADHD Mindset, adhd strategies, ADHD Shaun Roney

ADHD and Free Will: The Rumors Are True, You Can Choose More For Yourself

Day 21: Choice


When we have adhd tendencies, it can feel like we can’t make ourselves do what we know we should do.

Like we’re at the effect of those around us and worse yet, our own brains!

Let me be the first to tell you. It’s a lie. The stereotype of adhd that says you just can’t help but to follow the shiny object is wrong.

Rumor has it that you can choose to believe something different about yourself. Guess what?! It’s true!

You have the power within you to choose more. We all do.

In every situation you may find yourself in, you always have a choice.

Many of my clients don’t believe that. In fact, I’d say many people don’t believe that.

They want to say “You don’t know my situation. I literally don’t have a choice. It’s out of my control.”

When you say that, you’re using the most disempowered voice available to you.

You’re choosing to act as if decisions happen outside of you.

Here this. No matter the situation, you alwaaaayyyyyysssss have a choice. Even when you feel like you don’t.

You may feel like the cards area stacked against you. Like the only option is to do what you’re doing.

  • More bills than income

  • A husband who’s the primary breadwinner, so no “say” in how money is spent.

  • A relative who needs financial help

  • A health diagnosis that is affecting your day to day life

  • A job that is not satisfying, but is what puts food on the table

  • A project that has multiple steps that feels overwhelming

Whatever it is. You can choose how to react to it. How to respond. What you’re going to do about it.

You believe that the only thing to do is accept it until you can “catch a break”.

Can I sing a little Bon Jovi to you for a moment?

“Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
Luck ain't enough
You've got to make your own breaks.”

~Lyrics from “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi

That last line…”You’ve got to make your own breaks.”

The way you make your own breaks is to question your thought that the way you’re doing it is the only way.

That’s never easy. Your brain will offer up lots of proof that it’s true. Your brain is scared and wants to protect you from the worst thing that can happen. Whatever that may be.

The way to question what you doing is to ask yourself do you like what you’re choosing? Do you like why you’re choosing it?

If you don’t like what you’re choosing, and you don’t like why you’re choosing it (because it feels like the only choice), let’s jump on a consult call. Give me 45 minutes of your time to help you gain some perspective on how you might consider choosing differently. That’s all it takes to get you headed in the direction of your choice.

On that call my goal is to help you see that change is possible. I know it is for those that are ready. It is my goal to help you gain some clarity, and come to a decision if you’re ready to change your life or not by working together in a coaching relationship.

I’m 100% ok no matter what you decide, I just want to help you decide what you really want and help you determine if you like your reason for choosing it. It’s the first step in making better decisions for yourself in all areas of life.

If you want more, it’s available to you. I’d love to show you how. It’s one of the things I do as a Life Coach. ~Shaun

PS Check out today’s bonus! I get some of my best ideas while I’m driving or in the shower. Today’s post was inspired by some thoughts that I had while driving yesterday. Thought I’d share the audio here, even though the quality is not so great (and I use the word “like” a million times). It’s unedited, but passionate. Thought it may inspire someone.

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ADHD, ADHD Mindset, Goals Shaun Roney ADHD, ADHD Mindset, Goals Shaun Roney

The Truth About Procrastination

Day 20: Procrastination


It can feel like our feet are stuck and we don’t know which direction to go. Unsure of what step to take, we decide to stay still and wait. Procrastinate.

What exactly is procrastination? The definition of procrastination is the putting off or delaying of something.

I’d like to expand on that a little bit.

It’s the putting off or delaying of something that we suspect or know could be good for us in the long run.

Here’s the thing. We never talk about procrastinating on something that is bad for us.

We don’t say things like I’m just procrastinating on smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day.

I’m just procrastinating gaining 200 lbs.

I’m just procrastinating on being unfaithful.

For those things, we’ve just decided no, or have never considered it.

When we procrastinate it’s typically on something that we have decided at some point would be in our best interest. Something that would help move us closer to something that we want.

In spite of knowing that something is good for us, we don’t start right away.

Going to the Dentist for a routine exam.

Writing a dissertation.

Building a website for our business.

Instead of taking action, we are deciding in one small moment to stay in overwhelm, stuck or still.

A series of these small moments, and decisions keep doing the things that we’ve been doing.

How we do one thing is how we do everything.

When people come to me on a consultation and the main thing that they want to stop doing is procrastinating, then they want to wait until a better time to move forward with me, it’s so telling.

What if they didn’t need to wait until a better time? (ie procrastinate)

What if the answer was to stop procrastinating in one area, so that they learn to stop procrastinating in all areas.

It sounds crazy, but it really does work that way.

It’s learning and practicing the skill of making a decision to not wait.

I have power over procrastination, and believe you can too.

It starts with making a decision for yourself. It starts with deciding you’re no longer a procrastinator. It starts with deciding to move forward before you feel ready. That’s it.

To set up a call with me to learn more about how I can help you conquer procrastination click the button below and book a 45 minute cosultation with me. Start by making a decsion to get help now. Book your free consult. Don’t wait. The procrastinating stops today. ~Shaun

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Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck? Download the guide "Top 5 Ways to Calm Your Mind and Create Forward Motion"