What is High Functioning ADHD?
Day 4: High Functioning ADHD
So many of the women I work with have felt this way.
I did.
You may not really even know what ADHD is, but you HAVE had a sneaking suspicion that you kinda, sorta are ADD some of the time.
You may be forgetful, even when you don't want to be, or when you have the best of intentions.
You may have a hard time coming up with a word you're looking for in a conversation. Often feeling like something that you want to say is "on the tip of your tongue, but just out of reach"
You may find yourself in situations where had you remembered ahead of time, you could have taken care of something one way, but because you remembered at the very last minute (just in the nick of time) you had to come up with a creative solution to get the job done. (Also known as McGyvering)
If these things sound familiar, you may be a person (myself included) that I lovingly refer to as having high functioning ADHD.
For the longest time, you may have moved along through life pretty well, and then it seemed that out of the blue, something happened and you felt less able to cope. Less able to manage all of the moving parts of this day to day thing we call life.
If you look at two specific groups,
1) those that are diagnosed with ADHD and have had symptoms of it throughout much of their life (often diagnosed in childhood and often treated with medication), and
2) those that do not have ADHD or its symptoms,
You may think to yourself on the one hand "well, I don't really feel like I fit into either group. I don't think I need medication. I have managed to get along pretty well in life. I'm not hyperactive. I can hold down a job. I can focus sometimes. It's not THAT bad."
On the other hand, you know that you struggle more than those around you with details and organization.
You may
be time-challenged
have a hard time focusing on certain types of work
catch yourself running up and down the stairs 4-5 times forgetting what you went up for each time.
read the same page of a book multiple times, each time reaching the bottom and wondering what it was you just read (that is if you read books at all!)
have so many projects started and not many finished.
You just don't fit in a neat tidy box.
You're quirky and unique and a bit unorthodox. You're creative and personable and very often kind. (More about this in another blog post.)
What does that mean about you and ADHD?
Chances are if you've felt overwhelmed, scattered, forgetful, stuck, distracted, unorganized, confused and you've Googled anything about ADHD you may have high functioning ADHD.
It's not an "official" term mind you.
It just means that you experience the common symptoms of ADHD, but maybe to a lesser degree than those that have been diagnosed. You may very well have ADHD (you should always talk to your Dr. if you suspect that is the case and want to seek out a formal diagnosis.)
So what now?
ADHD is all about managing your mind - The tools that you use to manage your mind will be different depending on the degree that your life is affected.
Nothing's broken. Every person on the planet has to manage their mind, lest it get the better of them. Some of us need to manage it a little more than others.
The label is helpful if it helps you, and not helpful if it doesn't. Knowing that ADHD affects the part of your brain responsible for making decisions and organizing and prioritizing and remembering is why it's helpful to know about it. It can give context to what you may be experiencing. That's all.
Tell me, what are your thoughts?
If you suspect you may be struggling with ADHD type of symptoms and wpuld like someone to talk to to sort it all out. Let’s jump in a call! We jump on Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. You tell me your story and ask me any questions. I’m completely at your service for 45 minutes.
The only way to change things is to try something different.
Click here to book a free mini-session.
The Path To Your Goal Is Paved With 1000 Pebbles
I woke up in the middle of the night and had an epiphany. As I’m coaching with clients, it’s common for them to say “I keep doing the things and nothing, I’m just not seeing the results that I want”. I’ve thought it many times myself.
By nature I’m what is referred to as a “quick start”. On the Kolbe index, it describes the instinctive way that a person deals with risk and uncertainty. A person that is not afraid to jump in and do the things. That’s me.
According to the Kolbe index, “these change makers add vision and risk to the mix. Always negotiable, they defy the odds and intuit possibilities that would otherwise go untried. Because they instigate the unusual, people who operate in the initiating zone of Quick Start are natural promoters and entrepreneurs. Accommodating change is no problem for people who respond in Quick Start. For instance, they’ll go along if you change your mind at the last minute and want to see a different movie. “
I take action, I do things, and I adjust.
I take action, I do things, and I expect results.
What I realized the other night is that my expectations may be out of alignment. When I have a goal in mind, I envision where I want to end up, what it will take to get me there and what the obstacles may be. Often the obstacles appear in my mind as very, very large mountains or boulders that need to be scaled or overturned.
I think if they can’t be scaled or overturned then there must be a creative solution to get around them. (I love that one, problem solving is my favorite!)
On average, I imagine 3-6 very large obstacles at a time. Never more than that.
I had a belief that there are a few large obstacles in the way of our dreams, and if we feel afraid but still take action, and then creatively navigate the 3-6 very large obstacles, we would get to where we want to go.
It just made sense to me.
So many movies are based on this premise. The mission is in sight and yet there is one large obstacle in the way. One big problem to be solved.
I bought into the hype.
I want to solve the one very large problem!!
So when I woke up the other night, for some reason I woke up and the first thing that came to my mind was an image of 1000 pebbles. No boulder. No mountain. Just 1000 pebbles.
They were small, and smooth, and light, and the same.
Where do I start?
It doesn’t matter, just pick one and flip it over.
Pick another one, and flip it over.
And another…
And another…
What if the way to my goal is to flip 1000 pebbles? Am I willing to do it?
It sounds boring and uneventful.
Can I stick with it long enough?
What if I think the way to my goal is to flip 1000 pebbles, and actually it’s more like 100,000 pebbles? Am I willing to do THAT?
I decided that night as I drifted off back to sleep, yes, yes I am willing.
The next morning I woke up and got to work.
Flipping pebbles.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck? Download the guide "Top 5 Ways to Calm Your Mind and Create Forward Motion"